After the worldwide success of Delosperma Ocean Sunset series, Sun Diamonds, Wheels of Wonder and Jewel of Desert, Koichiro is ready to bring the next game changer to the market. The new Delosperma Desert Dancers result from a long-term breeding programme and stand out within the assortment with their unique, breakthrough, intense dark red foliage that enhances the landscape’s visual appeal even without flowers. The vibrant red foliage adds drama to the landscape, but once the intensely coloured flowers appear, it creates the most striking focal point. Desert Dancers flowers continuously from early summer into autumn, and combined with the captivating foliage, it makes for a year-round visual impact in the (rock) garden, mixed containers, perennial borders or green roofs. As if that’s not enough, the dense, semi-trailing growth habit makes these Delosperma perfect for hanging baskets. For more information and availability, go to or send me an email at